Monday, March 2, 2009

Super R.A.C.E.R.s : Ragnar Relay del Sol


Running the Ragnar relay was incredible. I enjoyed being with my team, running in the beauty of Arizona, and being challenged. The Ragnar is a relay race of over 200 teams. Each team has 12 runners. Each runner runs 3 legs of the 202 mile race from Prescott to Mesa, Arizona.

Janae started our race Friday morning at 11:00 a.m.

The team was split up into two vans. While one runner was out on his leg, the other runners from his van frequently passed by to give him water and let him know how much distance he had left. The support of team mates was huge.

Sharon with Mike as he ran his first leg up a mountain. I couldn't believe how he ran up that mountain. I think I would have sat down and cried. Wow, Mike.
Sharon was a morale-booster for the whole team.

My first leg was really pleasant. 1:15 Friday afternoon outside of Prescott. I ran down the mountain Mike ran up. The sky was blue, the temperature was comfortable. I felt great.

I was so impressed by Marinda's speed. She is fast. And she's fun!
Janae is a babe. I've known her for about a year but I got to know her on a new level through the race. That girl has determination. Her second leg took her on an unlit trail littered with debris. It was like an obstacle course in the dark. Afterward she got quite sick and required an IV. The next morning she ran a long, uphill leg. She just kept going, and going, and going.

Some of our team. We were the Super R.A.C.E.R.s (Really Awesome Cool Expert Runners). The Superman on top of the van was great. It made me laugh inside whenever I saw him driving toward me.

Team support: Jeff giving Mike water on his third leg of the race.

My second leg was at about midnight. It was cold and very dark. My dreamboat came up and paced me on his bike. I was so glad to have him there. He kept me from being afraid the boogie man would jump out and get me. Distances at night also seem much longer than during the day. I appreciated his company.
I love this picture because I look like my little brother, Jordan, before his races when he was in high school.

My third leg began Saturday afternoon at 1:20.

My family came to watch me run. Seeing them gave me a big burst of energy. I was so happy to have them there. Lily hung out the car window and cheered, "Go Mom!" I loved hearing her little voice shout for me and seeing her little hand wave out the window. Carter just wanted out of the car and into the stroller!

Look at this cool picture! Lily jumped in the air just as I ran by her. Look at those feet off the ground...what a jump! It looks like her shadow is trying to jump onto my shadow's back.

I felt energized for the first half of that leg. In the second half the sun beat down on me. I really appreciated the water Jeff passed on to me.

Passing the baton to Sharon for her last leg.

My biggest fans!...My mom, my husband, and our kids.

Chatting amongst ourselves while we wait for Zach to arrive.

Zach ran a hard 8 miles. Passing off to Julia.

Larry and Sheila were an essential part of our team: the cooks! They made delicious meals for us that hit the spot after our runs. I felt so bad for the other teams who had to grab Campbells soup or a hot dog (gag) at gas stations along the route. Thanks, Larry and Sheila!

We finished the race at 7:00 p.m. Saturday night. It was an experience I'll never forget!
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trobison said...

Lisa and I love the team name:) Congrats on the race, it looks like a lot of fun, but also a lot of hard work. Weird how sometimes those things cross (work and fun)

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

Way to go Jill! What an accomplishment. I don't think you could pay me to do that...but then again, I just haven't found a love for running!

Aaron said...

Jill was an absolute babe on the Ragnar. I got tired just watching her, taking pictures, and coasting on my bike next to her. I'm super proud of her for doing something so hard. Way to go Jill!! I also thought it was neat to see how close she got to her team and how they all supported each other. I hope to do it next year.

Melisa said...

That sounds intense. Great job!

ATT Hickson said...

You are Super Mom to me! Good job on your race! And I can't believe that Lily is FIVE already... wasn't it just yesterday that we mingled across the street to see that beautiful baby girl with that LONG DARK hair sticking up everywhere?!

DillChips said...

Yes I did get a little teary eyed from this post I am so glad that you ran. You Rock!! If I was there I would have been jumping with Lily for sure. (what a cute motivator I hope that my Lily will jump like that for me for the same reason some day)

Melinda Ford said...

Jill, you are such a babe!!! And what great legs you have girl! I'm so stinking proud of you. Give yourself a pat on the back and a huge hug from me! You are amazing and I'm super glad you got to do this. I miss you tons too!!! Now it's time to relax! Aaahhhh. Oh, and I just changed the file size to large when I uploaded the files for the pictures.


We forgot you guys were doing the race. Life has been crazy trying to get settled. but am glad you all had fun racing.

Beth said...

jill, that is so cool that you did that race. Way to go! I would have loved to have been on your team.

Your little Lily is 5, wow!! Our kids are growing up so fast. They are darn cute.

Rocia said...

wow, i am totally teary-eyed right are a champion jill. that is awesome!

Alisha said...

YEAH! So fun! The pictures are awesome, but I know they don't do the race justice. It is so hard to describe to people how awesome it is! You look so cute running, no fair. I look hidious! :)

Donna-FFW said...

Just happened to stumble upon your site and this post had me enthralled. Gives me the motivation to run farther than the 5 miles I do run a few times a week. This group sounds wonderful. Nice to "meet" you.