Friday, December 26, 2008

A joyful Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was joyful and calm.
Carter got up early so he and I snuggled by the Christmas tree in the dark. We sang Christmas hymns and read about Jesus' birth.

We had the Wintertons and Tim and Glenn over for a midday feast and Christmas program.
I didn't get a picture of the delicious toffee I made this year. It's a new recipe that is simple and quick. I love it! Here Carter is sampling a large piece and enjoying it!

I love winter weather here! We went for a walk and it felt so great out.
Sweet girls.
I think this is called a rose cabbage cactus. Isn't it cool?

After our friends left the kids got a new pair of p.j.s and read stories of Christ's birth. Then we went to bed early.
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Erin said...

And a special Christmas Eve too! That cactus is really cool.

Cassidy Lundgren said...

I love Lily's coat! It's so adorable!