Lily is a kindergartener! Getting ready this morning went smoothly. She got dressed in the outfit she had chosen and even made her own lunch. We visited her teacher before school started so she could be familiar with the school on her first day. Our visit had the desired effect. This morning she walked right in and sat down at her desk. She felt ownership to her classroom, desk, and teacher. She felt right at home.
I am so excited for her! I loved kindergarten and all my years of school. I'm excited for Lily to love learning. I know she will. I thought it would be a hard morning for me but it wasn't. I think I got most of my crying out in the previous weeks and months. This has been a big step for me as a mom. I have taken very seriously my responsibility to teach, nurture, and care for my children, rather than abdicate it to someone else. It's been difficult for me to realize that she will be leaving our safe little home and my direct care, and going out into a world that offers a lot of negative influences in addition to the good. I am going to miss my little girl so much! But I also know this is the right step in her development.
She knows a lot of the kids who are going to her school.
When Lily went in to meet her teacher she got to choose her desk. She loved that. Here are her fun supplies!
Post Sript: Lily had a great day at school. She said she loved it! It made me feel
so good to see her run to me with a huge smile on her face. Her favorite part of the day was lunch because it was so tasty (Laughing Cow cheese on Ritz and an applesauce cup). She liked making a book all about her. She's a little artist. She didn't like the sandy playground at recess, hence the wadded up socks in her hand. Congratulations to my Lily!!