Valentine's day was so fun this year. We spent lots of time together as a family playing at the park and just being together. We had a lovey dovey family dinner together and exchanged valentines.
Carter got an airplane full of love for Valentine's day. Have I ever mentioned that he loves things that go?
Aaron is truly Lily's dreamboat. She wants so badly to marry him. She made him a valentine with a hot air balloon on it. We love hot air balloons and see them several times a week, often with a picture of a cactus on the balloon. (Don't mind the overexposed faces!)
My heart melted when I saw the sweet valentine Lily made for me. She painted a picture of me on my wedding day, complete with painted fingernails and a lavendar and yellow bouquet.
Our friends threw an awesome prom-themed party. It was great to get together with friends to dance and play.
Aaron is my love now more than ever. It's amazing to see our love deepen as we experience life together. He is my best friend and my love.