Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sweetest tea

My cute Carter was rummaging in Hazel's closet and pulled out an old tea set that's been on a shelf for ages, so we had a little tea party. This is the first time Hazel's had a tea party. It was so cute to watch the wheels turning in her head as she watched Carter and me.

After a little while she picked up a spoon and started stirring it in her cup.


Then she picked up the tea pot and poured some into her cup, then mine. It was so so precious!

Hazy took her first steps this weekend! And I missed them! I was in the other room and everyone excitedly called me in to see. She had taken a couple of steps, and didn't take any more...until yesterday. She took three cute little steps in the middle of our living room. For the time being, she still prefers her scoot to get around quickly!


Anonymous said...

Looks like she really enjoyed the tea party-You need to work on getting that pinky extended though! I'm sure carter can teach her. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! She's evenw earing the right shirt!

Kristy's Garden said...

What a sweet-tea she is! Tea party's run in her blood.... she is looking so grown up and her hair is getting longer. I know Carter loves tea party's! How fun.

Lisa said...

How cute! I love watching the wheels turn in the minds of little ones :) She is growing up so fast, I'm glad you saw a few steps, we love when we catch Anna walking a step or two (she has no intrest in walking more than that for now).

Sally said...

Jill, you have such a talent for snapping photos at just the right moment! It helps that your kids are always cute. What a fun time. Olivia loves tea parties, too.